I am going to build 3d printer for a cheap as I can. The posting is meant to document my progress and keep me focused and motivated. In holiday season, I'm always slow because people don't get their crap repaired when they're busy buying new crap. Consequently, I'm broke right now so some forward movement will require waiting on me to get out of this financial hole. I was wanting to buy a 3d printer outright all built, but for a few reasons(besides brokenness) I'm going to build one. I read a few books and watched a documentary on the subject and his dude's instructable convinced me I could adapt current open source firmware and supporting software to any Cartesian printer as the g code language never changes. The printers are surprisingly simple in what they do.. To begin I dug around in the garage and found a scanner I have knowing the travel will be pretty long. Too bad I've thrown away a zillion printers and scanners in the last year- doof. Here i...